old About Us
'A new world, material without being real, where poor ghosts, breathing dreams like air, drifted fortuitously about . . . like that ashen, fantastic figure gliding towardhim through the amorphous trees.'
The Great Gatsby, 1925, F. Scott Fitzgerald
知其價值,遠比只知其價錢為高雅。我們透過了解事物背後故事,歷史原因甚或生產過程,一針一線的細節都令人滿足感大增,所擁有的再不只是一件商品。在細節中透現岀文化與品質相容,現代與傳統的互相激盪之下,WALKING DAPPER除了跟大家分享、交流衣著品味和紳士興趣知識的表面,更希望從中能闡釋箇中的文化,以及對人文發展的影響。
602, Cosmos Building, 8-11 Lan Kwai Fong, Central, Hong Kong
Mon to Sun:12nn - 7pm
Email: info@walkingdapper.com